Devlog - Sept 18-25


  • Art
    • Polishing player model and finalized player model design
    • Fleshed out out more potential enemy types
  • Music
    • Polishing the main gameplay track
  • Programming
    • Implemented camera movement
    • Implemented level transitions and effects between levels
    • Added a Turn Limit
    • Set up primary shooting system
    • Made the enemies face in the direction of travel
    • On win, transition to the next level


  • Art
    • Create assets for the enemy types
    • Discuss current art direction and finalize on an art style
  • Music
    • Introduce SFX for shooting, and transitions, and buttons
    • Polish main menu soundtrack
  • Programming
    • Implement swap mechanic between a player and enemy
    • Refine camera controls
    • Polish Level creation Pipeline
    • Set up Main Menu and level select

Get Tactical X (Name TBD)

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